The Armour Hills Board of Directors meets on the third Wednesday (please note, this is a change from the previous meeting day of Tuesday) of January, March, May, July, September and November at HJ’s Community Center, 6425 Wornall Road. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm.

The Annual Meeting is held each year in November. The date, time, and location of this meeting is selected each year by the Board of Directors and announced through email, newsletters, the website, and social media outlets. The Annual Meeting provides a detailed review of the past year’s activities. Additionally, the budget for the following year is approved and elections are held for the Board of Directors.


2024 Meeting Dates

January 16  Minutes | Agenda

March 19 Minutes | Agenda

May 15 Minutes | Agenda

July 17 Minutes | Agenda

September 18 Minutes | Agenda

November 20 (Annual Meeting) Agenda


2023 Meeting Dates

January 17 Minutes | Agenda

March 21 Agenda

May 9 Minutes | Agenda

July 18 Minutes | Agenda

October 17 Agenda

November 21 (Annual Meeting) Notice


2022 Meeting Dates

January 18 Minutes | Agenda 

March 8 Please note: This meeting has been rescheduled from its original March 15 date and will be held at a new location, HJ’s Community Center, 6425 Wornall Road. There is also the option to view online via Google Meet.

May 17 This board meeting will be multi-access. Residents can access the meeting virtually via Google Meet or attend in person at HJ’s Community Center, 6425 Wornall Road.

July 19 MinutesAgenda

This board meeting will be multi-access. Residents can access the meeting virtually via Google Meet or attend in person at HJ’s Community Center, 6425 Wornall Road

September 20 Minutes | Agenda

November 15 Agenda | Meeting Notice


January 19 Agenda  
March 16 Agenda  
May 18 MinutesAgenda 
July 20 Agenda 
September 21 Agenda | Minutes
November 16 (Annual Meeting) Minutes 


November (Annual Meeting): Minutes
October:  Minutes | Agenda | This meeting will be held online via Google Meetings.
September:  This meeting has been rescheduled for October.
July:  MinutesAgenda | This meeting will be held online via Google Meetings.
May:  Agenda | This meeting will be held online via Google Meetings.
April: Minutes | Agenda | This meeting will be held online via Google Meetings.
March: Cancelled due to public health guidance.
January: Minutes | Agenda


Annual Meeting: November 19th at 7 pm
November: Minutes
September: Minutes | Agenda
July: Minutes | Agenda
May: MinutesAgenda
April: Minutes
March: Minutes | Agenda
February:  Minutes | Agenda
January:  MinutesAgenda


Annual Meeting:  Agenda | Presentation
February: Meeting Minutes | Meeting Agenda – February 20, 2018 (This meeting relocated to St. Peter’s Parish Legacy Basement at 815 E Meyer Blvd)


Annual Meeting Presentation

November 2017 Meeting Minutes

October 2017 Meeting Minutes

August 2017 Meeting Minutes

July 2017 Meeting Minutes

June 2017 Meeting Minutes

May 2017 Meeting Minutes

April 2017 Meeting Minutes

March 2017 Meeting Minutes

February 2017 Meeting Minutes

2017 Jan AH Meeting Minutes